Flow Artist and Circus Performer AllieFlowz

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Get to know Flow Artist and Circus Performer AllieFlowz!

By Cosplay Moon

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She is a flow artist and circus performer from Colorado who almost didn't get as far as she has today in the flow arts. Read more about her uplifting story about getting back into hoops after almost giving it up. This flow artist  and is a shy circus performer who uses, hoops, triangles, and fire and she firmly believes that we have control over manifesting our futures. Learn more about flow artist like Flow Artist and Circus Performer AllieFlowz in this interview.

Thank you for doing this with me. Looks like you live in a really beautiful place. Tell me about the beach locations a lot of your flow artist photos are in.

I was actually on vacation in my beach photos! However I do like to explore and take advantage of all the beautiful scenery for my content! My favorite local location here in Colorado, USA is the Box Canyon Falls in Ouray, Colorado. It is a little mountain town tucked away 6 hours from Denver!

         cosplaymoonblog, cirqueduallie, flowartistinterview, hulahoop           allieflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartistblog, circusperformer   

I think you are the first flow artist I have seen use triangles. Are they difficult to use?

They are different, yes, but I don’t think I would label them as difficult. If you have a flow artist background with hula hoops then triangles come much easier. Fans also have a lot of similar movements and transitions as triangles!

  allieflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartistinterview, circusperformer   alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartistinterview, circusperformer


I love this pic of you with the pink and purple in your hair and the goth outfit. When did you begin as a flow artist?

I first found flow arts in 2015 but I didn’t dive deep into it until 2019 at one of my lowest points and it was my savior. I came across flow artist Charissa Deville on Instagram and I had never seen someone dance with a hula hoop like that! When I first started I only picked my prop up every few weeks/months.. It took awhile for me to find my flow and start to have the urge to pick it up everyday.

                 alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flow artist, circus performer

I think that information will be encouraging to anyone who has thought of being a flow artist maybe they failed at keeping it up and will try again. So, thanks for sharing that.

This glow paint is awesome. Someone talented must have done this to you. Could you tell me about it?

The UV paint was actually done by my loving partner. I’ve never experienced a connection so pure and genuine. I spent that night being his canvas and then stuffing our faces with steak and mac n cheese. It kinda felt like a form of BDSM because the paint was so cold it was almost torturous!

               allieflowz, cosplaymoonblog, flowartistinterview, hulahooper, circusperformer     allieflowz, cosplaymoonblog, flowartistblog, circusperformer

That sounds very special and your partner is very talented with painting then. I think that's awesome.

                        allieflowz, cosplaymoonblog, flowartistinterview, circusperformer

When your performing as a flow artist with the fire arts it seems to me that you would get burned. Tell me how you blow fire out of your mouth and how do you keep from getting hurt.

                       allieflowz, cosplaymoon, circusperformer, flowartist     allieflowz, cosplayerblog, cosplaymoon, circusperformer   

Well, I’m a trained fire eater! I learned to eat fire and do vapor tricks around two years ago. Its mostly science that is allowing those tricks to happen. The hardest part is getting over the fear of fire and being burned. I have been burned before when learning new tricks. I always lose some eyebrows or lashes when the wind blows. I’ve honestly burned myself more often with my fire hoop. Your mouth is wet and your skin is not. The saliva gives your mouth a barrier of protection from being burned for a few seconds whereas your skin is burned almost immediately.


               allieflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartistinterview, circusperformer

Where do you perform as a flow artis and do you have any flow events coming up?  

Any and everywhere! There are several local events here in the city that I’ve performed, but I mostly just perform at gigs that my friends in the flow community offer to me. The winter is slow and I expect to have more gigs coming now that it’s warming up again! Believe it or not though.. I don’t really enjoy performing most of the time. I am a very anxious person and performing is nerve wracking. Performing is centered around your presence and audience engagement.. I personally prefer more techy styles of flow that are not appreciated as much by onlookers who are not familiar with the flow arts. I prefer to free flow than to plan a specific routine and perform the same tricks continuously. I’m just really shy :) 

       alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartist, circusperformer   alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartist, circusperformer   alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartist, circusperformer

So am I. So, I completely understand that. But, I think your awesome and I would encourage you to go for it since being a flow artist is becoming so popular and people really enjoy watching others do things that they are not able to do themselves.

                   allieflowz, cosplaymoonblog, flowartistinterview, circusperformer   allieflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartist, circusperformer   

Do you think we are in control of  manifesting our lives or does the Universe control us?

Yes, I do think we are in control of manifesting our lives.. However, I also think that until you realize that you have the power over your own life, you will continue to fall victim to the “universe” and your own destructive behaviors. Realizing my power and taking my life into my own hands is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I grew up in a very religious family and once I read a quote stating “Two working hands can accomplish more than a thousand clasped in prayer” and that was a perfect description of what I knew to be true. You have to make things happen for yourself and when you start living for you the universe will start working for you and you don’t even have to try. Energy flows where intention goes.

   alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartist, circusperformer    alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartist, circusperformer  alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartist, circusperformer

I didn't grow up in a super religious home but, I have known people who have and they seem to experience more fear and trepidation. I'm glad you have figured it out for yourself and are able to be who you want to be.

                               allieflowz, cosplaymoonblog, flowartistinterview, circusperformer  

 How much training is involved every week as a flow artist to perform for a flow event?

It definitely depends on the event and what they are asking of you as a performer. Flowing with props is more lax in my opinion. If they need me to flow to music I usually won’t train at all. I’ll free flow as much as possible the few days before the event so that I feel fresh and ready. However if I am spinning fire or performing an aerial act I will most definitely train as much as I can beforehand and put together a choreographed piece so that my mind doesn’t go blank mid-performance.

          allieflowz, cosplaymoonblog, flowartistinterview, circusperformer    allieflowz, cosplaymoonblog, flowartistinterview, circusperformer

Do you think flow artist and the flow community is more open to LGBTQ?

Yes! The flow community is so much more open to inclusivity than any other group of individuals I’ve experienced. It’s exposed me to a lot of different kind of people and opened my eyes a lot. I feel like most people in this community are weird, broken, or “alternative” to the common masses in some way.. therefore it tends to be a pretty open and inviting community.

      alliflowz, cosplaymoon, circusperformer, flowartist    alliflowz, cosplaymoon, circusperformer, flowartist

What’s your astrological star sign and does it fit you?

I am a Capricorn and yes, it fits me TOO well. I am very proud to be a Capricorn lol.

What is your spirit animal and why did you choose it?

I actually have a really hard time with this question.. I’ve tried to pick before but its too hard! I love animals and I’m actually going to school to be a vet for small, exotic animals. I would have to say my spirit animal is some type of rodent.. Chinchilla maybe? Something about those little fluffballs just pulls at my heart strings!

  alliflowz, cosplaymoon, flowartist, circusperformer   cosplaymoon, alliflowz, circusperformer, flowartist   

They are super cute and I love animals as well and have been vegan for about 7 or 8 years. 

I want to thank you again for taking your time to answer my questions and sharing part of yourself with me and anyone who reads this.

Get to know more about flow artist and the people I have interviewed. Follow my flow artist blog at Cosplay Moon. Shop for flow artist apparel, flow artist gifts, flow artist shoes, flow artist bags and read flow artist interviews.

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