Blog — rogersenpaiblog

Vampire Obsession

Vampire Obsession
Why do we have obsessions with vampires? What makes a blood-sucker so exciting and addictive? Is the vampire a romantic in your mind or a killer? Is it the strength, the beautiful skin that will never change, or the dying devotion.  How long will this desire for a dead man live in my head; never to fade away. The thoughts of eternal life from one bite was so exhilarating.

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Roger Senpai Gives Great Advice to Aspiring Cosplayers and Bloggers

Roger Senpai Gives Great Advice to Aspiring Cosplayers and Bloggers
Check out my interview with Roger Senpai. He's a Canadian blogger and event organizer for cosplay!! He also has great advice for anyone wanting to blog or cosplay.

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